Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Day

Theres something I learned here from my co-worker a muslim friend, mentioned that the Friday 21st of March, in their calendar year this year is their special day. The day when their prophet Isa (the shorter version) was borned and after 40 years on the same date he died. To the muslims, its the day of Eid-e-miladunnabi. We as christains also have celebrated in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ's dead on the cross, the same date. Both religions celebrated the day together but with a different meaning. To the muslims, this is their fourth prophet who came 40 years ago and died, and dead forever, but for the christains Lord Jesus died and he rose up the third day. He is living today and forver more and soon coming to judge the living and the death. During our sunny rise service on Sunday it was a double blessing for me, a blessing to celebrate the ressurection of our Lord Jesus and celebrating with a good number of christains where you would think very less or few hundreds. To me it seemed alot especially when it is a muslim dominated country, figuratively speaking christain population is .4%.

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