Monday, November 9, 2009

Mind's Battle

Its the mind!
Travels way faster then the speeding bullet, discovers the wonders that you would never do it in reality. Its the mind that makes you sad, happy, causes troublesome, brings fantasy right to your door step. Oh mind, words can not describe you to your full potential of what capacity you can destroy a man and mend a broken person. Most of the time I think only with my mind, not involving the heart, thats when I feel like I can travel for ever and experience the unseen things of the world. I am in my fantasy world, but when I am back from that world, its a pain.. then comes the questions with the conditional word "IF" only I've done that, or these. Trying to bring me back to my self yet I dont have the power to do so sometimes so I continue to fantasy. Mind can finish a book within few minutes and yet in reality I can only finish a page or two...oh MIND!!