Saturday, October 25, 2008

Today is my holiday (weekend, Saturday), I am suppose to be resting have decided to go visit my project area. Around 2pm, I left and got there at 3 and have discovered that one of my rabbits was very sick. I watch it crying out, I have never hear or seen, Rabbits cry and I did today...I am so sad right now because I know that it is going through alot of pain and evetually die. My Assumption is that it is attacked by the tape worm and it has got into the brain. The story I heard from the farmer who take care of the rabbits is that they found it last night around 10 pm paralysed. Today, it didnt move but was just lying down and peed itself on its legs, how terrible is that. In the past years I have fallen in love with vegetables just because they dont move or make a sound so that I cannot be touched by their emotions..anywhere right now I dont know what to say about animals and with my position with the animals...So while I am writing this maybe I am lossing it or may be tomorrow but hoping for miracles to happen because in literature there is no cure for this parasite attack... and I am say a short pray for its life.

Also today is day when I felt winter is near. Its so cold the temperature went down to 75F and this afternon's wind cold.

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