Thursday, July 19, 2018 Bangladesh life is almost coming to end. On Wednesday the 27th, 11:45 pm will be my flight. I might not be using internet for a while, but just want to put some words that have been bothering me for the past two weeks. To start with the fresh encouragements that I hear from my friends: gentle spirit, loving, inner strength, people connector, and I thought...these are not new words, I have heard this before from my wonderful friends whom I have worked with and went to church with in Texas, World hunger Relief, Inc and Hope Fellowship. But then the big question arises, WHY AM I GOING home? What am I missing? What is the fact about me that is not known to people whom I worked with, and sharing everything with can not see this item/things/character that is not exposed? This made me thinking, I should say that I am a thinker, I can think all night and still I will functioned the next morning. Anywhere, just to say that I am right now battling with myself about things that i can not control over. Thanks for your eyes and ears.

God's Peace!


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